Does Wine Freeze: Tips to Freeze Wine Properly

You have probably wondered at some point if it’s possible to freeze wine. And the answer is yes – but there are a few things you should know about it first. In this blog post, we’ll explore what happens when wine freezes, whether or not it ruins the wine and a few reasons why someone might want to freeze wine in the first place!

Why Does Wine Freeze?

There are a few different reasons why wine might freeze. The first has to do with the alcohol content of the wine. As we all know, liquor does not freeze because of the alcohol content. However, wine does freeze because of the alcohol content and at a lower temperature than liquor. This is because wine contains more water than liquor does.

The second reason wine freezes are because of the sugar content. When sugar freezes, it turns into ice crystals. And these ice crystals can damage the wine, causing it to taste sour or less flavorful.

Finally, wine might freeze if it’s stored in a cold environment for an extended period. For example, if you keep your wine in a freezer, it’s likely to freeze.

Wondering what temperature does wine freeze? The answer to this question depends on the alcohol content of the wine. Wines with lower alcohol contents will freeze lower than wines with higher alcohol contents. Generally speaking, most wines will freeze at around -18 degrees Celsius.

Reasons to Freeze Wine

Now that you know a little bit more about why wine freezes and what happens when it does, let’s take a look at some reasons why someone might want to freeze wine in the first place.

  • To prolong the life of the wine. Freezing wine can help extend its shelf life because the cold temperature slows down the process of oxidation, which can cause the wine to spoil.
  • To make a frozen cocktail. Frozen cocktails are all the rage right now, and you can easily make them at home by freezing wine. All you need is some fruit, ice cubes, and your favourite spirit!
  • To chill a bottle of wine. If you don’t have time to let a bottle of wine cool down before serving it, you can quickly freeze it instead. Chilling a bottle will help chill the wine quickly and prevent it from getting too warm.
  • To make wine ice cubes. Wine ice cubes are a great way to add flavor to cocktails or mocktails. Freeze your favorite wine in an ice cube tray, and then add them to your drink!

How to Freeze Wine Properly

Now that you know all about freezing wine, here are a few tips on doing it correctly. Make sure your wine is cold first. Before you freeze it, make sure the wine is cold – this will help prevent the wine from being damaged when it freezes.

  1. Make sure you store your wine in a freezer that is at or below 0 degrees Celsius.
  2. Use a freezer bag or airtight container. If you’re freezing a bottle of wine, make sure to use a freezer bag or airtight container. This will help to prevent the wine from being damaged by frostbite.
  3. Label the container. Make sure to label the container with the date you froze the wine. That will help you keep track of how long it’s been in the freezer.
  4. Thaw slowly. When you’re ready to drink the wine, thaw it slowly over 12-24 hours. This will help prevent the wine from being damaged by the ice crystals.

Best Ways to Chill Wine Without Freezing

If you don’t want to freeze your wine, but you need to chill it quickly, there are a few other ways to do it. Here are a few of our favorite methods:

  • Put the bottle in a bucket of ice water is one of the easiest ways to chill a bottle of wine quickly. Just fill a bucket or large bowl with ice water, and submerge the bottle in it for about 15 minutes.
  • Put the bottle in the fridge. If you don’t have time to use the ice water method, you can also put the bottle in the fridge. It will take a little longer than ice water, but it will still help cool the wine down quickly.
  • Use a wine chiller. If you want to use a more high-tech method, you can also buy a wine chiller. This is a small device that helps cool down wine bottles quickly.
  • Use frozen grapes. Another easy way to chill your wine is by using frozen grapes. Just pop a few into your glass, and let them melt to chill your wine.
  • Use a wine cooler. If you’re looking to keep your wine cold, you can also invest in a wine cooler. A wine cooler is a small appliance that helps maintain your wine’s temperature, so it’s always ready to drink!


Will a bottle of wine freeze in my car?

A bottle of wine can freeze in your car if the temperature is cold enough, but it’s not likely to happen unless the temperature is really below freezing.

Can you drink wine that has frozen?

Yes, you can drink wine that has frozen. However, it’s important to thaw it slowly over 12-24 hours to prevent the wine from being damaged by the ice crystals.

How cold does it have to be for wine to freeze?

The temperature does not have to be below freezing for wine to freeze. A bottle of wine can freeze at temperatures as high as 0 degrees Celsius.

Is it safe to freeze wine?

Yes, it is safe to freeze wine. However, you should follow the tips mentioned in this article to ensure that your wine does not get damaged when it freezes.

Can I freeze bottles of wine that I’ve already opened?

It is not recommended to freeze bottles of wine that have already been opened because the wine may not freeze evenly, leading to the wine being damaged. However, if you choose to freeze bottles of wine that have already been opened, be sure to follow the tips mentioned in this article about thawing them properly.

Can freezing wine ruin it?

The short answer to this question is, yes – freezing wine can ruin it. When wine freezes, the ice crystals that form can damage the wine and make it taste sour or less flavorful.

Is it worth freezing a bottle of wine?

That depends on your circumstances. If you’re looking for a way to prolong the shelf life of your wine, add flavor to your cocktails, or chill a bottle of wine quickly, then freezing wine may be the right choice for you! But if you’re looking for a way to keep your wine from spoiling, freezing may not be the best option.​

Does this apply to all types of wines?

Yes, the principles discussed in this article apply to all types of wines, including reds, whites, rosés, and sparkling wines. However, the best way to freeze sparkling wines may be a little different from how you freeze other wine types. For example, freezing sparkling wines in an ice cube tray may not be the best option – instead, try freezing them in a freezer bag. This will help to prevent them from getting damaged by frostbite.

Should you drink the frozen wines as soon as they thaw or wait until they’re fully defrosted?

There is no definitive answer to this question – it all depends on your personal preference. Some people prefer to drink frozen wines as soon as they thaw, while others prefer to wait until they’re fully defrosted. Ultimately, it’s up to you!

Final Words

Freezing wine does not have to be a scary experience. However, it requires careful preparation and attention to avoid damaging the wine or experiencing any negative side effects that may ruin your favorite bottle of red! The next time you’re looking for an easy way to chill your wine without having it go bad on you, try freezing it instead. Just be sure to follow the tips in this article so you can do it right!

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